So over the past few weeks I have had a lot of questions about cloth diapering. The amount of information can be quite overwhelming when you first start looking into things. There are brands, types of fabric, things that need covers, things that don't. so I am going to try to explain it as best as I can over the next week or so to make your life easier. Today I am going to start off with types of diapers and what they require for use.
prefolds/flats These are the diapers that probably come to mind when you think of cloth diapering. They can be one of the hardest diapers to use or one of the most simple depending on how you want to fold them. I personal just tri-fold and tuck into the cover and done.
Pre-fold diapers are often made out of cotton,hemp or flannel. They sometimes require pinning or a snappi. They also require a cover. Cover are made out of poly urethane laminate which is a cotton knit with a laminate on it to make it water proof.
AIO (all in one) /AI2's (hybrid diaper) - IS all the diaper you need in one diaper.
AIO- Have the cover, the soaker, and the layer that goes against the baby's bum all in one diaper. Often times these take longer drying periods because it has more diaper to dry rather than just a few pieces. AIO diaper often have either Velcro or poly-resin snaps to close them on. They are also quite frequently one size, which means the go from itty bitty to potty training stages. Something called a doubler which is essentially an extra soaker (the thing where the pee gets soaked up with) to increase absorbancy for night time or extended periods of time.
HYBRIDS- are basically cloth disposables you tuck a soaker in and close up the diaper your done. And these do no require a cover, they have elastic through the leg area and the back.
pocket the best way to describe a pocket diaper would be, a cover with a soft fabric sewn to it and it has one end open to make a pocket. These need stuffed with your inserts. an insert is the same thing as a soaker but since in goes into a pocket they are referred to as inserts. These too are often one size and do not require a cover. These diapers also have the elastic in the back and around the legs.
the last diaper I am going to talk about is fitteds.
fitteds fitteds are like an AIO with out the water proof part making these require a cover. They often times close with Velcro or poly-resin snaps. They sometimes have the soaker sewed in or there can also be snap in soakers. these diapers are my favorite next to prefolds.
As you embark on your journey through cloth diapering you will find that certain diapers fit babies different, that you may like one brand/type better than the other but all in all you will find the perfect diaper for you and your little one.
ok, so I dont know why those pictures are so Huge